Hi, Liz!

One of the things that it seems like you didn't cover that makes this extra more also too laughable to me is that the last season of Mandalorian was ... not well received by fans, at least compared to earlier seasons.

There is a movie in development, but movies are not TV shows. In other words, in order for her to be Cara Dune in a Mandalorian TV show or spin off, they would have to not only pay Carano to do acting that they did not want her to do, but also pay hundreds of other employees to do work that they did not intended to pay for to create a product that they did not intend to produce.

I mean, it's one thing to be rehired at Goodyear to work on an assembly line producing tires. They were always going to be producing tires, and if you weren't doing that job, someone else would. It's completely different to be hired by Goodyear to fly the blimp that they retired in 2017 and that now does not exist because it is no longer an effective brand awareness tool. Her lawsuit asks the court to mandate paying her her acting wage, in a manner similar to paying a blimp pilot's piloting wage, but then to do the equivalent of buying a new blimp, hiring a new ground crew, hiring artists to decorate the blimp in Goodyear logos, and on and on and on, right up to mandating the equivalent of forcing Goodyear to allow her to fly it over the Super Bowl, just because Carano thought that maybe she would one day fly over the Super Bowl and, I guess, thinks that money can't compensate for missing out on that experience?

I mean, "specific performance" in producing an entire TV show to get one actor some money is needlessly destructive overkill of the "1,000 warhead nuclear first strike vs a hurricane" variety.

Even if it was illegal to fail to renew a contract when someone's an asshole on the internet, give her some cash, a green screen, a camera, a couple of lights, a laptop, and some editing software. Then she can stream her Star Wars cosplay as much as she wants.

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Well, now I kind of feel like an asshole for not including my well-wishes. Of course I don't want you to stay sick, Liz! Get better! Lord John Marbury recommends something or other with an added shot of whisky.

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I KNOW I must be in the right place if Crip Dyke is here! Heya fellow Wonker!

Hope you're feeling better soon Liz! COVID sucks bad enough the first time...

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Rest and get well soon!

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Welcome to Hollywood, Gina! Studios (or directors/ producers) are always saying they want to use you in such and such a project...and that project never materializes. Or if it does, it's in a different form and they aren't using you, or your pitch or whatever. Remember when Paramount was "absolutely" going to do a Star Trek Discovery spin-off starring Micelle Yeoh? Not any more, they aren't. Do you see her suing? No, because she knows how the system works. Grow the hell up, Gina. You too, Elon.

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Hope that you feel better soon!

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Thanks for having me on, I loved chatting with you. Hope you’re feeling better!

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Thanks, Lulu! You were amazing. And, yeah, TG for Paxlovid.

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So glad you have a podcast! Have had withdrawals for the last two weeks, wasn’t getting my fix of legalese.

Thoroughly enjoying it. 🤓

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Get well soon!

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I subscribed and I was supposed to get a link to put it in Apple pods on my mobile, but never got a link? Please advise!

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Huh! Okay, let me see what's what with Substack. Sorry about that, and thanks for subscribing!

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found the link in spam on a little used email, copied to my mobile, but it still won't sign me up. I mean, I can listen on the comp (and did), but would love to have it on the phone.

Also--go to bed! You're sick!

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