I can’t remember who pointed out that—since the orange would be dictator and his drooling lackeys spam the courts with the same frothing nonsense in multiple cases and jurisdictions in their ongoing effort to gum up the works long enough to try to get their asset back in office to misuse its powers again to evade justice—that the courts in multiple cases and jurisdictions are now leaning on each others decisions to speed along saying to them nice try fuck off...
I would like to move—this notion obviously being at least as reasonably based on the law and precedent as any of Team Fascist Tangerine’s—that said courts also band together and bulk order some stamps that just say ‘dismissed’ (or possibly ‘nice try fuck off’) and use those to further speed cutting through this crap. Possibly they can also stamp them on these creeps’ foreheads.
“The goal here is to keep Trump’s public statements, particularly the ones where he pressured Cohen to keep his mouth shut, far away from the jury.”
The goal here is to invent new reasons to moan “I’m being treated so unfairly” and tell his fascist supporters that the law shouldn’t apply to him or by extension to them if they feel like, oh, threatening a judge or a witness, or forming a mob and trying to kill Congress, not that he’s suggesting such a thing oh no God forbid (wink) …
Trump will no doubt state by innuendo that the jurors who find him innocent in the New York will receive the same payments that Stormy Daniels and McDoughal did.
I can’t remember who pointed out that—since the orange would be dictator and his drooling lackeys spam the courts with the same frothing nonsense in multiple cases and jurisdictions in their ongoing effort to gum up the works long enough to try to get their asset back in office to misuse its powers again to evade justice—that the courts in multiple cases and jurisdictions are now leaning on each others decisions to speed along saying to them nice try fuck off...
I would like to move—this notion obviously being at least as reasonably based on the law and precedent as any of Team Fascist Tangerine’s—that said courts also band together and bulk order some stamps that just say ‘dismissed’ (or possibly ‘nice try fuck off’) and use those to further speed cutting through this crap. Possibly they can also stamp them on these creeps’ foreheads.
“The goal here is to keep Trump’s public statements, particularly the ones where he pressured Cohen to keep his mouth shut, far away from the jury.”
The goal here is to invent new reasons to moan “I’m being treated so unfairly” and tell his fascist supporters that the law shouldn’t apply to him or by extension to them if they feel like, oh, threatening a judge or a witness, or forming a mob and trying to kill Congress, not that he’s suggesting such a thing oh no God forbid (wink) …
This criminal has already received more ‘due process’ than any other person ever!
Merrick, it’s time to lock him up.
More spaghetti being thrown in Georgia court today, too!
Trump will no doubt state by innuendo that the jurors who find him innocent in the New York will receive the same payments that Stormy Daniels and McDoughal did.
Not just ketchup?