>> "at least until the Eleventh Circuit gets finished wiping away the last trace of him." <<

Like santorum removed from a leather couch with tissue and some Clorox.

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Not white leather - it'll still show in the cracks & stitches.

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It’s especially sweet that ol’ pudding fingers got his ass handed to him by a panel that was mostly to the right of Attila the Hun. I had almost begun to feel sympathy for him by the time he dropped out of the race, but then he went back to Florida and promptly reminded me why I loathed him. I hope they are just as vicious with Aileen “Trump is so Dreamy” Cannon when her turn comes.

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Florida is not where "woke" goes to die. Florida is where elderly ethnic stereotypes from New York State's southern tier go to die.

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Lol at Rhonda Santis. Also, there is no way on god's green Earth that Trump would pick Abbot to be his VP. Trump cannot stand the disabled.

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> In fact, two of the judges were appointed by Donald Trump himself.

Incorrect! Like all of “Trump’s” judicial picks, they were appointed by Leonard Leo and Mitch McConnell. Trump just ordered up the paperwork.

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I think I had the book in your hed pic when I was a kid. Brits will recognize the BMC engine and Wolseley grille on the car.

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Bit surprised the Florida lege has put out an initiative to remove the gubernatorial consecutive-terms limit in their state constitution.

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Mar 6
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The force of a mob is proportional to the mass of MAGATs present and their acceleration towards the capitol building.

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