Is there a way where this case could be dropped by the DOJ, but then refiled in another venue, or the same venue with another judge? It’s hard to imagine she has the power to allow a criminal defendant go free without any scrutiny from other judges or even a trial to determine the truth.

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I've long thought Jack Smith should have *simultaneously* brought a "dissemination" case in Bedminster, NJ. Yes, my horsey neighbors are Republicans, but they're not *insane*, and indeed the vulgar parvenu isn't so much idolized as despised. But, alas, in this as in so much else, my view isn't solicited, much less considered ..

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I agree with this (although said cases still could have been consolidated and sent to SDFL).

Now, I suppose DOJ still has a few months under the statute of limitations in which to file a superseding indictment in NJ for the documents Trump stole and sent to Bedminster, but that’s not going to happen.

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But why is Jack letting Bedminster go? There’s no doubt there are stacks of stolen goods in that joint?

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Has to be filed where the crimes took place. Which is the problem.

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blanche needs to be disbarred. Both he and his demented client are LIARS and CROOKS.

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With a judge like this, the entire focus of a case, i.e., determining the guilt or innocence of an indicted party, is lost amongst a maelstrom of frivolous motions, where the defendants' legal team play upon Cannon's lazy indulgence of delaying tactics, court calendar deadline lapses, and just general judicial incompetence.

Granted, taking an appeal to the 11th CA on grounds NOT involving a specific point of law, but rather upon how a judge is conducting a case in her courtroom is high-risk, but Cannon has so blown up orderly procedure to the point of destroying her credibility and that of the very judicial process she is formally charged with administering. It goes without saying that if tRump wins in November, the MAL docs case gets killed permanently...but should Biden be re-elected, what then? Would Cannon suddenly put the case on fast-track, since a Biden DOJ won't have her back? Or would she continue her current tactics by allowing "death by a thousand motions" of the matter at hand?

Biggest question though is what is too much for SC Smith to endure, and what will he do about it?

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What do Republican Judges and The National Enquirer have in common? CATCH and KILL!!

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She’s had it for almost a year. This really is criminal.

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Hating her so much. Hating the system that lets her get away with it. I cannot believe there is no one that can hold her accountable. Ridiculous

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Did I see a docket entry that showed she did deal with some of motions?

A competent jurist could tie things up in a neat bundle over one afternoon.

Does the presiding judge of the SDFL have any power here?

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…surprised trump is getting away with everything ?

…our justice system needs to be supported and its scared instead because the only people who marching on the street are fucking NAZIS in support of those they are prosecuting

…if country allows a dictator to become a dictator after he said he will be a dictator, then a country deserves a dictator

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Cannon demonstrates that destructive Trumpian combination of malice and incompetence. No wonder he nominated her. Anything in this oder that DOJ can appeal? Right to a prompt trial?

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Exceeding the Peter principle.

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Why can’t she be removed from her position or the case moved to someone else??

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Corrupt and incompetent.

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Judge Cannon is positioning herself to sit on a higher court, perhaps the Supreme Court! All the rest of her shenanigans is mere cover!

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