Next, Trump will claim their aren’t enough liars and grifters in New York to seat a jury of his peers.

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Well, he could ask for a jury of his peers. How about former presidents, Obama, Bush, and Clinton, and throw in Jimmy Carter for good measure. Or do they have to be billionaires too.

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As a liar and grifter, he's peerless.

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"Teat Trump had commissioned a survey of residents...."

You probably meant Team Trump, but Teat Trump is just as accurate.

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Liz, Liz, Liz . . . you're never gonna get that split-screen segment with Mikey Avenatti on MSNBC by writing about correct procedure and consulting attorneys who know local rules.

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Maybe his jury can be made up from those he’s cheated and swindled in New York over his career! Seems fair to me!

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A proper jury of his peers is all the other business owners in NYC.

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Have you thought about adding you reading these to a patreon tier? Not that I can’t read 😂 but I listen as I drive to work, and i absolutely love some acerbic wit of Liz Dye to start my day! (And your writing is fabulous)

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Hmm. I used to love reading Liz Dye, and wait for items like this just so that I can get the insight she provides. I say used to as these are more rare since she dropped 18 episodes of podcasts. Unfortunately, I have neither the time, focus, or patience to spend an hour listening to people talk.

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I mean this is the law and chaos POD site…

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Dunno. Not what I originally subscribed too. It was all written then. You do you. I can't do Podcasts.

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She was recently on YouTube explaining the troubled history of the one-week-old stock ticker DJT:


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There was too much publicity so Trump demands to lift the gag order so he can make fart noises in MAGA code about it

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…enough fucking bullshit !!!! …this orange psychopath being treated as THE MOST PRIVILEGED motherfucker in our country’s history, our justice system is fucking pathetic !

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"prejudicial pretrial publicity.” AYFKM!?!?!? Every time this idiot appears in public he spews potentially prejudicial pretrial publicity, now he's mad about it?

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"where judges are called Justices and the Court is denoted as Supreme".

Add the weirdness of "Departments" and "Trial Parts" to the NYS bizzarro world naming conventions.

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You cannot complain about negative publicity and your right to violate a gag order in the same breath when the judge can prove that your lack of gagging is the source of the negative publicity over the last year.

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So it's just a writ, to which the standard response is "take it up on the appeal you will sign off on in the visitors room at Rikers"

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