Jan 8Liked by Liz Dye

Another great article, Liz.

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The real meat involved using the NRA to launder money for the RNC and foreign operatives (Russian oligarchs, Saudis,etc--that case was a criminal investigation summarily shit-canned under questionable circumstances. The NRA and the RNC operate together as an organized crime syndicate .

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How stupid can these gunhumpers be? I would image a lot of overlap with MAGAt idiots in a Venn...

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"AckMac paid a makeup artist $16,359 for three pre-event glow-ups provided to LaPierre’s wife, Susan, head of the NRA’s Women’s Leadership Forum."

Glow up or blow up? Looks like both.

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I think the NRA's central problem is that it's been too successful. When you have plenty of 2nd-amendment crazies in Congress and on the judicial benches, who needs the NRA anymore?

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LaPierre gave all he had to the NRA, it is time for him to pass the baton he honorably carried for decades to new leadership.

Oh, and also the cookie jar is empty.

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It is also interesting that they made these millions, selling the fear of "losing our guns." No one is "coming for our guns."

We have slaughtered school rooms full of innocent children in this country, and nobody came for the guns. Over 300 heavily armed officers showed up at one of these events; and more kids died anyway, so the "good guy" with a gun didn't pan out either. We still allow gun sales as fundraisers at schools.

Gun shows can still sell you a gun without a major background hassle, the list goes on- but much like the Milquetoast Minions for 45, these people send their hard earned money in; thinking they are going to properly buy politicians and instead get ripped off by the pricks telling them the government is coming for your guns.

Maybe at least some Karma there?

I hope LaPierre saved some cash in his clothes like Mendez.

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"While the original complaint sought to dissolve the NRA entirely, Justice Cohen ruled in 2022 that 'dissolving the NRA could impinge, at least indirectly, on the free speech and assembly rights of its millions of members' and the state could achieve its goals by 'targeted, less intrusive relief.'"

Way to coddle a terrorist organization's supporters, pal. Al-Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL/DAESH must be jealous as hell of the treatment that the NRA is getting. 😒

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Odious. That's the only adjective I can muster to describe LaPierre. There once was valid place for the NRA (prior to the late 70's coup by WLP and his ilk). He destroyed the finances and reputation of a once respected organization.

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